
Flotilla 2025

Saturday, August 30

Registration: https://tinyurl.com/Flotilla2025

Past Results:

Sign-up now to join us for Flotilla 2025! This 3v3 mixed ultimate tournament on Saturday, August 30 is open to anyone that wants to join. Here are some event details for now...

These are the details that are unlikely to change:

Date - August, 8/30

Start Time - 10:00am

Tournament Type - 3v3 Mixed Ultimate

Gender Ratio - At least one of each gender on the field at all times with offense dictating; rosters must have at least two players of each gender

Early-Bird Cost (by 8/24) - $15 for an individual or $60 for a team of five players

Regular Cost (by 8/28) - $20 for an individual or $75 for a team of five players

* Any excess revenue from the event will go to Steamboat Ultimate as a fundraiser

All payments should be made via PayPal to ryanmgorman@gmail.com or via Venmo to @ryanmgorman. Please make sure to avoid any transaction fees!

Here are the details that are being considered, but may change based on responses:

End Time/Rounds - This will depend on the final number of teams that register, but will likely end by early afternoon

Location - Likely at Clear Creek (possibly Otto Armleder, if necessary)

Amenities - provisions such as food, drinks, prizes, and so on will be determined based on the size of the event

If you are interested in registering for this 3v3 mixed ultimate tournament on Saturday, 8/30, please complete the form below. Based on registration numbers by Thursday (8/28), we'll determine final plans from there. If you have any questions, let me know.


Ryan Gorman
